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Kevin Diers KISW 99.9 FM
KISW Loud and Local Band of the week on-air interview:

“The Finger Guns are Cheap Trick on skateboards”

GigRadar UK
Online interview

“The rocky yet punky feel of Seattle band The Finger Guns has seen the trio conjure up their very own musical genre of “punk’n’roll.” From that terminology, you can probably guess that their music is fast, raucous and a bit angsty.”

Pete’s Rock News and Views

“‘Blowsy’ is the next chapter in this Punk Rock trio’s career. The Finger Guns aren’t pulling any punches with this one. Blowsy is an all-out rocking album reminiscent to the classics such as The Sex Pistols and a less-pop version of The Ramones. Tracks such as ‘9.99 Quesadilla’ and ‘Go Away’ demonstrate the band’s anti-establishment mentality and fierce Punk attitude, while other songs such as ‘No Reason To Stay Awake’ offers a wide variety of melodies and a more melancholic vibe. Blowsy is more than your average punk rock album, as it offers more than just power-chords backed by a bunch of yelling. The vocals are well thought out, the riffs have many different flavours to them (like a cheesy quesadilla with guac and sour cream) and the drums blend in perfectly. The Finger Guns will be firing on all cylinders this summer with the release of Blowsy.”

Come Here Floyd

“Punk. Rock. THE FINGER GUNS. Can’t we just get along? Nope. Not until you rock out like there’s no tomorrow. With the vital essence of The Sex Pistols, the vibe and the thriving anti-social qualms are replaced with positive ambience and rhetoric. And it’s good timing, for we all need that little jolt of confidence in tackling that bad bad world out there, another day. Energy, excellence, punk-fun. THE FINGER GUNS know what’s up. And they know what time it is. It’s time to rock, so get out the boat if you’re not willing to rock it. The Seattle based band is here, ready to do it.”

Bad Ass Productions:

 “A refreshing rip roaring melody. That reminds everyone there’s still a place for classic punk/ alt rock.”

Northwest Music Scene

“Today’s featured band certainly has a firm grasp on their genre and does a splendid job of blending punk with a touch of garage rock and maybe a hint of rockabilly but at the same time making it relevant for 2017.”